It’s a professional application which you can watch, stay up to date with the latest trends of Commodity & Equity Prices of India. track all your selected commodities & Stocks at once place. Easy to use powerful app, supporting major scripts & latest contracts to be viewed.Full script details like open, close, high, low etc. Product types: Oil, Gas, Precious Metals, Base Metals, Steel, Agricultural, Spices & Stocks. Receive alerts of price variation time to time even when the app is not running.Use the application to get real time stock quotes Disclaimer :- The mentioned ideologies in these reports to be viewed in this section have been prepared for the purpose of providing information only and have been sourced from various publications. The exchange, in the process of analysis, does not intend to provide any guidance to trading and hence is not responsible for any decisions taken by the reader. This Application will not be responsible for any kind of losses incurred by any party either directly or indirectly based on our research results, though we have presented to the best of our knowledge