Account-Closer offers free and easy management of your online accounts at the future moment you passed away. This includes all mail accounts, blogs, Facebook, Flickr, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, Picasa, Pinterest, Twitter and more.
Per account, you can indicate the appropriate action executed after you passed away.
Options include:
- Close account
- Transfer account to someone else
- Display a personal message on the account
Storing passwords on-line is not needed.
You will prevent:
- The bereaved needing to close down your digital life. Without detailed
knowledge of your accounts this can be a very difficult quest.
- Continued profiles, confronting your network with automatically
generated birthday reminders, friendship invites etc
-Your photos staying on-line, potentially being used by others in the future
-Facebook friends or Blog followers being left without a personal goodbye
Account-Closer: very reassuring!
More information:
Account-Closer is provided by MyFarewell B.V.MyFarewell aims to enable people to determine what happens after they have passed away.更多