S.A.T.H---Just a click away... S.A.T.H (Sms Alert Trigger for Help) , as the name suggests is an application which will be with you in-case of emergency and trouble. With press of a button, you can immediately alert the trigger to send messages and emails to the contact list along with your GPS location. On click of the message, recipient can get your location and rush to the place ASAP to help you. If you are traveling in any vehicle, you can mail the details of the vehicle or simply send the snap of the vehicle by clicking through the application. These details can be very useful in case of any mishappening to trace you back. With the emergency button, you can call 100 (Police), or call any relative, previously chosen, on just a click. You can find nearest police station and nearest hospital with respect to your current position. IMPORTANT : Add widget to your Home screen, so that with just the click of widget, your current location will be messaged and mailed to the numbers and emails predefined. Note: Please fill in all details in settings page so that the S.A.T.H help you in maximum way and always keep location settings on so that your current location can be located. With S.A.T.H, you can stay connected with people who really cares in need. Search keywords: S.AT.H, sath, emergency, help, trouble, rape, accident, lost, GPS, location, SMS, Alert, trigger, search,call, phone, locate,apps, india, incident, police, hospital, connect, relative, the incredibles,women,woman S.A.T.H- - 只需单击一下鼠标... SATH(SMS警报触发的帮助),顾名思义是将与你在紧急情况下和故障的应用程序。 随着按钮被按下,就可以立即提醒触发发送信息和电子邮件到联系人列表以及您的GPS位置。对点击的消息,接收方可以得到你的位置,并赶紧去的地方尽快帮你。 如果您在行驶的任何车辆,可以邮寄车辆的细节或者干脆直接点击应用程序发送车辆的管理单元。这些细节可以在任何情况下mishappening跟踪你回来的是非常有用的。 与紧急按钮,您可以拨打100(警察),或致电任何亲戚,以前选择的,就只是一个点击。 你可以找到最近的警察局和附近的医院就你目前的位置。 重要提示:添加小工具到主屏幕上,使之与小部件的只是点击,您的当前位置将被传递消息,并邮寄到预先定义的数字和电子邮件。 注:请填写在设置页面中的所有细节,使SATH帮助您最大的方式,始终保持位置设置上,这样您的当前位置可设。 随着SATH,您可以保持连接的人谁真正关心需要的人。 搜索关键词:S.AT.H,SATH,应急,帮助,麻烦,强奸,车祸,失去了,全球定位系统,定位,短信,报警,触发,搜索,通话,手机,定位,应用程序,印度,事件发生后,警察,医院,连接,相对的,超人特攻队,妇女,妇女 更多