Thesis Generator takes the user’s opinions and transfers them into a thesis statement. **Featured on App Developer Magazine, July 2013** TOP FEATURES: ♦ Generates thesis statements for persuasive, argumental, and analytical essay types.♦ Share thesis statements via E-mail.♦ Automatically saves results for later retrieval.♦ Supports copy/paste of thesis results. WHO DOES THIS BENEFIT: ♦ YOU, the student, the learner, the teacher, the curious, the wise.♦ Get essays started in minutes, not hours.♦ Jump start your critical thinking. Whatever you do, never stop learning. Ttja őket a szakdolgozat nyilatkozatot. ** Kiemelt az App Developer Magazine, jlius 2013 ** TOP Tulajdonsgok:♦ generpusok.♦ Megosztn E-Mail.♦ Automatikusan menti eredms.♦ Tnyeit. Kinek ez az ells:♦ YOU, a tanullcs.♦ Get essznyv, sem idő.♦ Jump inds. Bst. 更多