Now refresh your reasoning skills on the move. This App provides you option to to take test on below areas. 1) Numerical Reasoning2) Verbal Reasoning3) Logical Reasoning4) Combined Reasoning Supported Features: 1) Allows you set the number of questions to be displayed per questionnaire on the settings screen2) Provides features to take tests by category or combined together 3) Displays you past result for each test category4) Action Bar based navigation on devices with newer android version 现在刷新你的推理能力上移。这个应用程序为您提供选项,采取以下领域的测试。 1)数字推理2)言语推理3)逻辑推理4)综合推理 支持的功能: 1)允许你设置一些问题,调查问卷的设置屏幕上显示每2)提供测试类别的功能结合在一起3)显示你过去每个测试类别4)基于操作栏上的导航设备与新的android版 更多