Timelapse Calc is a calculator for dslr time-lapse shootings. The app calculates for example the number of required images for a given sequence length. To plan the shoot, you can calculate the duration of the shooting session by the interval, the desired clip length and frame rate. Features:+ Comes now with the new Android 5 Theme+ Calculate the number of images+ Calculate the interval+ Calculate the amount of data+ Calculate the record duration+ Calculate the clip length+ Calculate the slider steps+ For devices with flashlight a torch is available+ Preferences for file size, sliderlength, framerate and the unit of length+ + + Notes on the app permissions + + +The app needs permission for accessing the camera flashlight led.If you need more than just a calculator, try Timelapse Helper http://goo.gl/wkNUQh 慢速拍摄Calc是一个计算器DSLR时间推移枪击。 该应用计算用于例如需要的图像对于给定的序列长度的数目。策划拍摄,您可以通过间隔,所需的片段长度和帧速率计算出射击会话的持续时间。 特点:+目前配有全新的Android 5“材料”的主题+计算的图像数+计算区间+计算的数据量+计算记录时间+计算片段长度+计算滑块步骤+对于手电装置火炬可用+首文件大小,sliderlength,帧率和长度的单位上的应用程序的 + +注权限+++ 的该应用程序需要的权限来访问摄像头手电筒led。如果您需要的不仅仅是一个计算器,尽量慢速拍摄助手http://goo.gl/wkNUQh 更多