Description Did your daughter ever set off to a party without telling you when or exactly where to pick her up afterwards? Even worse: Everytime you call her and try to ask for directions you cannot hear a word? Or did you ever wanted to plan a BBQ in the open? It could be tough to exactly describe "the one place at the lake" - especially at night. Wouldn't it be nice to share the exact location to all attendees? That way it would be less stressful for everyone. With this App the challenges above are well accepted: You can setup a meeting point on a map and send the location directly via SMS or EMail to the person who is going to do the pick up. This message can be opened by any android with the Pick Me App installed and contains the location and the time of the desired pickup. Just view it at the map, get directions and off you go to meet you friends or to pickup your daughter. Take a look at the simplicity of this approach: 1. You want to be picked up / meet someone at a specific location. Just open your Pick Me App and long-click the desired Meeting point on the map. 2. Now select "Pick me up!" and choose the desired time. Also select a method of notification. Keep in mind that the person, who picks you up, should support the chosen method. 3. Depending on the chosen method of notification either your Email- or SMS-App will open with a prefilled text. You may of course add some personal words to the message, but please avoid editing the displayed link-data. At last you need to choose one or more recipients that you like to meet. 4. When you are ready, hit "send". The message is being sent to the recipients. 5. When a recipient is receiving the message the device is able to highlight the link inside the message. You as a recipient just click on it and open it by selecting the "Pick me App" from the list of displayed apps. 6. The Pick Me App opens showing the desired location an time of the meeting. The recipient now may get directions to the point or re-open the link later on. Need more Features? Try our Pick Me App "Cabby Edition"!更多