*You need another device in which installed. You can shoot with another device's camera and view the picture taken remotely. How to use1. Install app.2. Run this app3. Fill [phone#] field with phone number of the device is running.4. Fill [keyword] field with the keyword specified in app.5. Click green camera icon, and wait for a while. It takes few minutes.6. The picture taken will be shown. *您必须在安装了“远程摄像头”另一台设备。 您可以与其他设备的摄像头拍摄和查看远程拍摄的照片。 如何使用1,安装“远程摄像头”到另一个设备,并保持运行“远程摄像头”的应用程序。2,运行这个程序3,填写[电话号码]字段与设备“远程摄像头”的电话号码运行。4,填充[关键字]字段中的“远程摄像头”的应用程序中指定的关键字。5,点击绿色的摄像头图标,并等待一段时间。这需要几分钟的时间。6,将显示拍摄的照片。 更多