One of the ways in which we hope to broaden the network is by expanding the membership as much as possible. By increasing the numbers it allows us more opportunities to hear from individuals with remedies or success stories we might not otherwise ever experience! This is where I need your help. If you know a relative, friend, work associate, etc. who is interested in improving their health and well being, have them send their name and email address to so they can be added to the contact list to receive information. Please encourage others to sign up! I look forward to helping each of you achieve your health care goals!!! Dr Michael Grimes 我们希望扩大网络的途径之一是通过尽可能扩大成员。通过不断增加的数字,它可以让我们更多的机会听到来自个人的补救办法或成功的事例中,我们可能会不以往的经验!这是我需要你的帮助。如果你知道亲戚,朋友,工作伙伴,等人改善他们的健康权益和福祉,这样他们就可以被添加到联系人列表中接受信息,他们把他们的名字和电子邮件地址 。请鼓励他人签收! 我期待着帮助你实现你的医疗保健目标!! 博士迈克尔格兰姆斯 更多