* 1,00,000 + Active Users *General knowledge 2013 android app contains the MCQ’s (Multiple choice questions) & Short Notes, which will helps students & professionals to prepare for competitive exams, refreshing the concepts & boosts confidence.App works completely OFFLINE and has self study and quiz options.The app contains the question about following concepts,• Astronomy• Basic Electronics• Biology• Books and Authors• Chemistry• Computer Architecture• Computer Fundamentals• Computer Organization• Constitution of India• Current Affairs• Days and Years• Diet and Nutrition• Digital Electronics• Elements• Famous Places in India• Famous Personalities• Five Year Plans• General Aptitude• Honors and Awards• Indian Agriculture• Indian Culture• Indian Economy• Indian Geography• Indian History• Indian Minerals• Indian National Parks• Indian Plains• Indian Rivers• Indian Temples• Indian Politics• Inventions• Nuclear Energy• Physics• Statutory Bodies• Sports• Technology• Units & Measurements• World Dams• World Geography• World OrganizationsApp will be used to prepare for civil service exams like IAS, IPS, IBPS, Bank exams etc.We’ll try to add more questions & categories in our next updates.****************************** 1,00,000 + Active Users ******************************** Thank you so much for all your support, suggestions and feedback **** Rate it if you like this app **更多