Hyper Pong is inspired by the historical video game Pong. However, here, you will need to think in two dimensions because the rackets are positioned on two axes (two rackets facing each other for each axis). The main goal still is not losing the ball but you will have to hit a moving target to gain more points. Doing so won't be riskless, as any rebound on the target will curve the ball's trajectory and increase its speed after several successes.On top of that if you manage to block the ball in a corner, between two rackets, you'll also gain a lot of points.You control the rackets via the four directional buttons.The game provides two modes :Mode SoloIn this mode you control the four rackets. When you hit the ball you gain one point. When you reach the moving target you gain a ten points bonus. If you lose the ball (that is the ball is gone out of screen) your score will be reset (although your best score will be saved).Mode Versus BotIn this mode you have an opponent, this is the bot. You only control the two red rackets. The yellow ones are controlled by the bot. Like in the Solo mode, if you hit the ball you'll gain one point, if you hit the bonus target you gain ten points. However, if this is the bot who manages to do these actions you won't gain any point. Your score is reset each time you lose the ball. If this is the bot who lose it, not only your score won't be reset but also you'll gain a fif points bonus. But keep in mind that is quite unusual for the bot to commit such an error.Post your score and become the best player !Permission details :SamsungApps- android.permission.INTERNET : to send and download the scores.- android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE : for network access checking.- com.android.vending.CHECK_LICENSE : for user license checking.更多