This is a demo version of my current game in development, which is called Project Scorpio.This game requires NO SPECIAL PERMISSIONS to run. I will never ask you to give my apps more permissions than they absolutely need. I will never take your information and sell it.NOTE: This is an Alpha Demo version, not a full version. There will be three levels only, so I can tune my AI and ship designs and things.Please email any issues you encounter to jacob@clipray.comProject Scorpio is a top-down 2d space shooter, designed as an RTS. It's not quite an RTS yet (you can't control other ships, but there is an AI controlling the enemy ships)There are three demo levels. One On One is a duel between you and the AI (which I am still improving). Swarm is you against up to ten enemy ships (change the number of enemies in the Settings screen).Defender is you defending your planet against as many waves of enemy ships as you can handle, for a set time limit. Don't let a transport land on your planet, or it's game over. The time limit and how often enemy ships appear is configurable in the Settings screen.Note that this is very much an Alpha version. Not all features of the final game are in here (because I haven't written them all yet). This Alpha Demo will be updated as I progress in my game design.There will be one more demo as I get closer to the finished product: A Beta Demo. This will have between one and three real missions from the full game (the full game will have way more than that).更多