Breaking news about major global occupational accidents! Find Accident, with the help from the members of the ISSA International Section for a Culture of Prevention, keeps you up-to date about serious occupational accidents, natural disasters and dangerous occurrences across the world 1. Accident : The application provides information about serious occupational accidents and disasters across the world collected by the members of the ISSA International Section for a Culture of Prevention on a real time basis. 2. Fact Sheet : You can have in-depth information including causes of and prevention measures against serious occupational accidents around the world. 3. OSH calendar : Must-know information for OSH officials are right here. You can see key international OSH events in one glimpse! 4. SNS : You can tweet the news you want on the app. 关于全球主要职业事故的最新新闻! 查找事故,从预防文化的国际社会保障协会国际部成员的帮助下,让您随时迄今为止,在世界各地严重的职业事故,自然灾害及危险事故 1。意外:该应用程序提供的信息严重职业事故和灾害在世界各地收集的实时基础上预防文化的国际社会保障协会国际部的成员。 2。情况说明:你可以有深入的信息,包括对严重的工伤事故,世界各地的原因和预防措施。 3。职业安全与健康日历:必须知道的职业安全与卫生官员的信息是正确的。你可以看到主要的国际职业安全与卫生事件在一个惊鸿一瞥! 4。 SNS:您可以鸣叫的消息,你想上的应用程序。 更多