The UTS Union Your Campus application is brought to you by UTS Union and provides students at the University of Technology Sydney with the ultimate way to interact with student life. The application provides the ability to build your student diary around your interests, connect with clubs and societies, manage your lectures and deadlines, find out about the latest events and parties AND through your GPS discount locator you will always have the best discounts at hand no matter where you are. Oh... and it’s FREE! ;) UTS联盟的校园应用程序为您带来的UTS联盟,为学生提供在悉尼科技大学的最终交互的方式,与学生的生活。该应用程序提供的能力,建立你的学生日记在你的利益,与俱乐部和社团,管理讲座和截止日期,了解最新的活动和聚会,并通过您的GPS折扣定位器,你将永远有最好的折扣手头没有无论您身在何处。哦......它是免费的! ;) 更多