Perfect for all wind sports including flying, paragliding, hang-gliding and kiteboarding. WindDummy displays the current wind speed and wind direction at any of 30,000 weather stations worldwide. ***IMPORTANT*** This is a widget and will not show up in your app drawer so please do not down-vote before following these instructions: After installing, you must place one or more instances on your home screen or other screen. On older Android devices, long-press the location where you want it, and then from the pop-up that appears, navigate to the bottom of the widget list and click on Wind Dummy. On newer devices, look under the tab at the top of your apps list. Once placed on a screen, you can configure each widget separately to display data for any of over 17,000 weather stations in the Weather Underground network. To find your best stations, zoom into the global map here: tap a WindDummy widget, enter the station ID, click OK and you should be good to go! WARNING: The author does not guarantee the accuracy of the data presented by this software or the utility of the software for any purpose. The software may contain bugs or other problems. Don't use this tool for hazardous activities. Use at your own risk. 适合所有风运动,包括飞行,滑翔伞,悬挂滑翔和风筝冲浪。 WindDummy显示当前风速和任意的30000气象站全世界风向。 ***重要***这是一个小部件,不会在你的应用程序抽屉露面,所以请不要向下票按照这些说明之前:安装完成后,你必须把你的主屏幕或其他屏幕上的一个或多个实例。在旧版本的Android设备,长按您想要的位置,然后从弹出看来,导航到窗口小部件列表的底部,然后单击风假人。在较新的设备时,“小部件”选项卡在你的应用程序列表的顶部下看。 一旦放置在屏幕上,你可以单独配置每个插件来显示数据,在任何天气地下网络超过17000个气象站的。找到你的最佳站,放大到全球地图位置:点选WindDummy小部件,输入站ID,单击确定,你应该是好去! 警告:笔者不保证该软件或该软件的实用性为任何目的提供的数据的准确性。该软件可能包含错误或其他问题。不要使用这个工具的危险活动。使用您自己的风险。 更多