EasyMID is a vehicle data management tool for motor traders, allowing instant MID updates from any location.The UK’s first fully functional app of its kind, EasyMID eases the burden of ensuring that vehicles are showing on the MID and avoiding police APNR checks.With a synchronised online MID portal, updating the Motor Insurers’ Database has never been easier:* VRM recognition for faster updates* Add a vehicle from any location instantly* Ability to remove vehicles with a couple of taps* Store login details for quicker access* Instant vehicle acceptance checks* Data appears on askMID.com in less than 24 hours************** IMPORTANT **************In order to use this app, you must have an existing Staveley Head motor trade insurance policy with a policy number beginning EICMT or PPMT.If you don’t yet have one, get one at www.staveleyhead.co.uk/motortrade/更多