After the great success of IQ Test Preparation with 1 Million downloads its pro version has been launched.This unique Application for IQ test preparation contains hundreds of carefully selected questions on ten different topic areas to cover a complete range for IQ test preparation along with comprehensive explanations and tips and tricks to solve difficult problems and improve lateral-thinking. "IQ test preparation" also provides an opportunity to test your level of preparation in the form of 5, 10 and 20 minutes test."IQ Test Preparation" covers many IQ and aptitude related categories such as Visual Patterns(Picture Analogies), Number pattern, Mental Arithmetic, Logical reasoning, Verbal Aptitude, Relationship Problems, Time and date Problems, Age Problems, Speed, time & distance and Work, Profit & Loss related problems.Perfect for school, college and university entrance test and also for general use to improve mental health.What's new in Pro version?(1) Visual Patterns or Picture analogies have been added with explanation which improves logic building abilities.(2) Now you can share any question on your Facebook Timeline.(3) Hundreds of new questions have been added.(4) IQ Test Preparation Pro version supports all devices including tablets, mobile phones and all other android devices.(5) Explanation of every question has been made more understandable.(6) Many bugs are fixed.(7) Test report generation process is more efficient now.Coming Soon:(1) World wide contests(2) Online challenge with friends(2) Daily, weekly and monthly challenges更多