SOS GPS has two great features:A Locator by SMS:----------------------------A person locator by sending your mobile phone GPS/AGPS location by SMS to predefined group. A Navigate to POI (Point of interest):-------------------------------------------------Mark your current location by entering POI icon on main screen, then navigate to the specific POI later.* Need help and do not know where you are? * Are you lost in the mountains? * Do you have a fault in the car and you can not tell the crane your location?SOS GPS lets you send your exact position and in an easy and fast to the selected contact from your address book or manually indicating the mobile number you want.Just send an SMS to the selected destination.If you trekking, mountaineering, motorcycling or if you travel and be directed not your thing, do not wait! SOS GPS is what you need, mark your current location and you will not be lost.----------------------S O S G P S----------------------更多