*** Script Kitty 3.0 *** Script Kitty has been re-written from the ground up to enhance compatibilities and capabilities across the board. Script Kitty allows administrators and power-users to tame the beast of managing remote servers over SSH from portable devices. Run scripts and programs on remote servers with a flick and a click. Script Kitty 3.0 Features:- NEW - Redesigned Tablet and Phone GUI- NEW - Completely rebuilt ssh libaries for enhanced protocol support- NEW - Enhanced OS support for OOB OSX and BSD support- NEW - Public key authentication- NEW - Experimental Support for local android scripts!- One-Finger Command execution to single or multiple servers- Google Drive Backup and Restore How can I import .sh scripts?Script Kitty will attempt import all files, with the .sh extention, located on your sdcard in the ScriptKitty folder. The script files should ONLY contain the commands to be executed, and be in plaintext format. Script Kitty will use the filename as the label in the interface. You can rename your scripts after they are imported. Non-cleartext file may cause the application to crash or fail. How can I use pubkey authentication?You must first confirm that the server is properly setup for authentication with public keys. Once validated, from the preferences menu, Select the option to . Once pressed, Script Kitty will create public and private key files on your sdcard in the ScriptKitty folder. You will need to import the public key into your server, and enter the appropriate username on the server definition. You can leave the password field blank, and the public key will be passed at execution. How do I export logs?Simple, just long press the log entry you would like to export, and a window will pop up with an option to How do I execute a script on a GROUP of servers?For safety purposes, we have moved the option to a nested menu. To execute a script on a group of servers, select one server from the defined group and press the menu button or icon. Script Kitty will display a new option labels . Once pressed, you will proceed to the script screen, and the selected script will be executed on the entire cluster. How do I run local scripts on my Android device!To enable running scripts directly on your device, create a server definition with the address of will be piped directly to /bin/sh on your device. ***脚本小鹰3.0 *** 脚本小鹰已经从地上重新写了提升全线兼容性和功能。脚本小鹰允许管理员和电力用户驯服了从便携式设备SSH远程管理服务器的野兽。运行脚本和上一捺和点击远程服务器程序。 脚本小鹰3.0功能:- 新 - 重新设计的平板电脑和手机GUI- 新 - 完全重建SSH libaries增强协议支持- 全新 - OOB OSX和BSD支持增强的操作系统支持- 新 - 公共密钥认证- 新 - 为当地的android脚本实验支持!- 一个手指的命令执行单个或多个服务器- 谷歌驱动器备份和恢复 如何导入.SH脚本?脚本小鹰将尝试导入的所有文件,使用.sh延伸,位于在ScriptKitty文件夹你的SD卡。该脚本文件应只包含要执行的命令,并在明文格式。脚本小猫将使用文件名作为在界面的标签。在导入后,您可以重命名你的脚本。非明文文件可能导致崩溃或失败的应用程序。 如何使用PUBKEY认证?您必须首先确认服务器是否正常安装与公共密钥认证。一旦通过验证,从选择菜单,选择选项“生成公钥”。一旦按下,脚本小鹰将在ScriptKitty文件夹你的SD卡创建的公钥和私钥文件。您将需要导入公共密钥到你的服务器,并在服务器定义输入相应的用户名。你可以保留密码字段为空,而公钥将在执行通过。 如何导出日志?操作简单,只需长按您想导出日志条目,一个窗口会弹出一个选项,以“保存记录到SD” 如何在服务器的集团执行脚本?出于安全考虑,我们提出的选项到嵌套菜单。要在一组服务器上执行脚本,请从定义的组一台服务器,然后按菜单按钮或图标。脚本小鹰会显示一个新的选项标签“润集团剧本”。一旦按下,将继续到脚本屏幕,和所选择的脚本将整个集群上执行。 我如何运行我的Android设备上的本地脚本!为了使在设备上直接运行脚本,创建具有“本地主机”的地址的服务器定义。任何脚本的“localhost”的将被直接输送到您的设备上的/ bin / sh的执行。 更多