WinRAR Zip Unzip Archive应用简介
文件解压工具,和电脑端WINRAR类似,支持解压加密文档,简单易用. WinRAR,You. ThisZIP,GZ,TGZ,TAR. ItInternet. Itit. Toprompt: bzip2filename Thefilename.bz2. Tocommand: bunzip2filename.bz2 Thefilename. Youone: bzip2/usr/work/school Thefilename.bz2. Toprompt: gzipfilename Thefilename.gz. Tocommand: gunzipfilename.gz Thefilename. Youone: gzip/usr/work/school Thefilename.gz. Tocommand: zipfilesdir Inrecursively. Tocommand: Youone: zip/usr/work/school Thefile 【基本信息】 作者:PalmSol 更新时间:2014-07-30 版本:5.0.0 系统:Android 2.1.x以上 语言:其他 更多
WinRAR Zip Unzip Archive2025更新内容
文件解压工具,和电脑端WINRAR类似,支持解压加密文档,简单易用. WinRAR, Zip Unzip archive is the Best and Well Know application to zip and unzip the files. WinRAR provides the full compression as well as extraction of Compressed file. You can extract every not only zip file but also every other compression file. It Supports all kind of compression archives to compress or extract like zip, unzip, rar, 7z and much more. Also a Great File Manager for you with full file manager functionality but advance in features and user friendly. You'd have never seen such file manager and such compressing tool of android. The Great Tool For You. This Archive Explorer is capable of showing the contents of different archives and some archives can be extracted. Contents can be shown are: ZIP,GZ,TGZ,TAR,ARC,ARJ,RAR,CAB,LZH,LHA. Contents can be extracted are: ZIP,GZ,TGZ,TAR. It is useful to store a group of files in one file for easy backup, for transfer to another directory, or for transfer to another computer. It is also useful to compress large files; compressed files take up less disk space and download faster via the Internet. It is important to understand the distinction between an archive file and a compressed file. An archive file is a collection of files and directories stored in one file. The archive file is not compressed — it uses the same amount of disk space as all the individual files and directories combined. A compressed file is a collection of files and directories that are stored in one file and stored in a way that uses less disk space than all the individual files and directories combined. If disk space is a concern, compress rarely-used files, or place all such files in a single archive file and compress it. To use bzip2 to compress a file, enter the following command at a shell prompt: bzip2 filename The file is compressed and saved as filename.bz2. To expand the compressed file, enter the following command: bunzip2 filename.bz2 The filename.bz2 compressed file is deleted and replaced with filename. You can use bzip2 to compress multiple files and directories at the same time by listing them with a space between each one: bzip2 filename.bz2 file1 file2 file3 /usr/work/school The above command compresses file1, file2, file3, and the contents of the /usr/work/school/ directory (assuming this directory exists) and places them in a file named filename.bz2. To use gzip to compress a file, enter the following command at a shell prompt: gzip filename The file is compressed and saved as filename.gz. To expand the compressed file, enter the following command: gunzip filename.gz The filename.gz compressed file is deleted and replaced with filename. You can use gzip to compress multiple files and directories at the same time by listing them with a space between each one: gzip -r filename.gz file1 file2 file3 /usr/work/school The above command compresses file1, file2, file3, and the contents of the /usr/work/school/ directory (assuming this directory exists) and places them in a file named filename.gz. To compress a file with zip, enter the following command: zip -r filesdir In this example, represents the file you are creating and filesdir represents the directory you want to put in the new zip file. The -r option specifies that you want to include all files contained in the filesdir directory recursively. To extract the contents of a zip file, enter the following command: unzip You can use zip to compress multiple files and directories at the same time by listing them with a space between each one: zip -r file1 file2 file3 /usr/work/school The above command compresses file1, file2, file3, and the contents of the /usr/work/school/ directory (assuming this directory exists) and places them in a file
WinRAR Zip Unzip Archive功能介绍
《WinRAR Zip Unzip Archive》是一款类似于电脑端WINRAR的文件解压工具,支持解压加密文档,并且操作简单易用。以下是该应用的主要功能:
1. 文件解压:支持解压多种压缩文件格式,包括ZIP、GZ、TGZ、TAR、ARC、ARJ、RAR、CAB、LZH和LHA等。
2. 文件压缩:可以将多个文件和文件夹压缩成一个压缩文件,用于方便备份、传输到其他目录或者传输到其他计算机。
3. 支持多种压缩格式:可以压缩和解压缩zip、rar、7z等多种压缩文件格式。
4. 文件管理功能:具备完整的文件管理功能,方便用户管理文件和文件夹。
5. 高级功能:除了基本的压缩和解压缩功能外,还提供了一些高级功能,使得用户操作更加方便和高效。
6. 支持加密文档:可以解压加密文档,确保文件的安全性和隐私性。
7. 支持多种压缩算法:可以选择不同的压缩算法,根据需要进行不同程度的压缩。
总结:《WinRAR Zip Unzip Archive》是一款功能强大的文件解压工具,类似于电脑端的WINRAR,支持解压加密文档,操作简单易用。它可以解压多种压缩文件格式,支持多种压缩算法,并具备完整的文件管理功能和一些高级功能,是一款非常实用的文件管理工具。
WinRAR Zip Unzip Archive产品特色
《WinRAR Zip Unzip Archive》是一款功能强大且易于使用的文件解压工具,它与电脑端的WINRAR类似,可以解压加密文档。这款应用支持解压各种压缩文件,包括zip、rar、7z等等。不仅如此,它还是一个功能齐全的文件管理器,具有先进的特性和用户友好的界面。
使用《WinRAR Zip Unzip Archive》,你可以轻松地将一组文件存储在一个文件中,以便进行简便的备份、传输到其他目录或传输到另一台电脑。它还可以压缩大文件,压缩后的文件占用更少的磁盘空间,并且通过互联网下载速度更快。
使用bzip2命令可以压缩文件,输入命令"bzip2 文件名"即可。压缩后的文件将保存为"文件名.bz2"格式。要解压缩文件,输入命令"bunzip2 文件名.bz2"。压缩文件将被删除,替换为解压缩后的文件。
使用gzip命令也可以压缩文件,输入命令"gzip 文件名"即可。压缩后的文件将保存为"文件名.gz"格式。要解压缩文件,输入命令"gunzip 文件名.gz"。压缩文件将被删除,替换为解压缩后的文件。
如果需要同时压缩多个文件和目录,可以在命令中用空格分隔它们,例如"gzip -r 文件名.gz 文件1 文件2 文件3 /usr/work/school"。该命令将压缩文件1、文件2、文件3以及/usr/work/school目录(假设该目录存在),并将它们放入名为"文件名.gz"的文件中。
使用zip命令压缩文件,输入命令"zip -r 文件名.zip 文件目录"。在这个例子中,"文件名.zip"代表你要创建的文件,"文件目录"表示你要放入新zip文件中的目录。"-r"选项指定你想要递归包含在文件目录中的所有文件。
要解压缩zip文件的内容,输入命令"unzip 文件名.zip"。
总之,《WinRAR Zip Unzip Archive》是一款方便实用的文件解压工具,它可以帮助你轻松解压各种压缩文件,并提供了完整的文件管