SEA CAVE ESCAPE; The cave was the grand palaces of our great ancestors a.k.a the ancient man. They drew images and made stone idols in caves as a proof of their existence. These paintings and idols are also invaluable gifts to the present day generation. Despite being a wonder, caves are often associated with fear and darkness. The moment you think about caves, you see darkness and a feel a sense of emptiness. The movies that we see have added more fear by the way they portray the caves. The most terrifying of all the caves can be the one that is underwater. You may feel a shiver down your spine when you imagine yourself to be all alone in an underwater cave. Imagine that you have been locked up in a sea cave. All you got to do is to find out the clues and get out of the cave. Read the instructions below and enjoy the game. Under water Instructions: 1. You need to click on objects to find puzzle parts that can unlock the Stone Door 2. Next you will be taken to a dark room. First the room must be lit.3. You will get things needed to light up the room. (Hint: Think what all you will need to light up things in a cave)4. You can find the ladder at the end of the room 5. Now you will be in the top side of the cave. Here there is a photo frame puzzle which needs to be solved.6. There is another puzzle that needs to be solved that will finally give you the key.FEATURES:Eye-catching and scary game play.Constant updates.Enter the biggest adventure of your life!Puzzle mode: play and collect score for each levels. play for free 海穴ESCAPE; 这个洞穴是我们伟大又名古人类祖先的宏伟宫殿。他们画的图像和石头做成的偶像在山洞里,作为其存在的证明。这些绘画和偶像也是无价的礼物到今天产生。尽管是一个奇迹,洞穴往往与恐惧和黑暗有关。你想想洞穴的那一刻,你看到黑暗,感觉空虚感。我们所看到的电影都被他们描绘洞穴的方式增加了更多的恐惧。最可怕的所有洞穴可以是一个是在水下。你可能会觉得一哆嗦下来你的脊椎,当你想象自己是独自一人在一个水下洞穴。试想一下,你已经被关进了海穴。所有你必须做的是找出线索,并走出了山洞。阅读下面的说明,并享受游戏的乐趣。 水下说明: 1。您需要点击的对象找到积木,可以解开石头门2。接下来,您将被带到一个黑暗的房间。首先,房间必须是亮的。3。您将获得点亮房间需要的东西。 (提示:想想看你需要照亮的东西在一个山洞)4。您可以在房间的末尾找到的阶梯5。现在,您将在洞穴的顶部。这里有一个需要解决的相框拼图。6。还有另外一个难题需要解决,这将最终给你钥匙。特点:醒目而可怕的游戏。不断更新。输入您一生中最大的冒险!益智模式:播放和收集的分数为每个级别。免费玩 更多