深度睡眠电池保护不断将器件置于深度睡眠模式,同时关闭屏幕。 在深度睡眠模式,WIFI,3G关闭,停止后台应用程序。因此,大多数应用程序无法正常工作,包括Facebook,谷歌服务等。然后,它以下载电子邮件,同步Facebook状态等,不断唤醒。它的定义由深睡眠频率,醒来时时间 在高级模式(PRO),可以自定义多个参数,包括昼/夜设置,活动期间,屏幕超时,同步策略,忽略应用程序等, 特点☆5个预先定义的配置文件:温和,平衡,强大的,积极进取,Slumberer。他们各不相同的频率,持续时间和其他设置。前者是破坏性的,但保存较少的电池,反之亦然☆自定义配置文件(PRO) - 高级用户使用。如果你需要更多的定制,选择此配置文件修改☆自定义配置文件设置- 独立之间平日与周末设置在选定的频率,深度睡眠模式 - 频率:设备已打开- 持续时间:设备醒来后选定的时间后,每个频率周期- Wileless网络:控制无线设置中沉睡。- 同步控制同步策略和帐户同步,自动同步- 应用程序:选择应用程序将停止在沉睡。- CPU:过程扭曲 - 根- 夜周期:在此期间,设备始终处于深度睡眠模式☆常规设置- 屏幕关闭延迟:深度睡眠前的一个短暂的延迟启动。使用此选项,以避免快速的画面切换- 白名单:应用程序总是被忽略深度睡眠时,如在线音乐播放器- Ingored最近的应用程序:忽略最近使用的应用程式- 使用APN设置:的扭曲3G/4G/mobile数据toggler- 检查背景资料:如果选择此选项,会忽略深度睡眠模式下如果流量超过了定义的阈值- 交通阈值和流量采样频率 ☆ Tasker plugin, Locale plugin 注意☆在深度睡眠模式,这个程序可能会破坏您的电子邮件通知您的正常活动,如带有较大的延迟☆如果您的设置(例如无线)是关闭的,深睡眠的电池省电不控制它在深度睡眠模式 -- english -- Deep sleep battery saver constantly puts the device to deep sleep mode while screen off During deep sleep mode, Wifi, 3G are turned off, background apps are stopped. Therefore, most apps are not working, including Facebook, Google Service, etc,. It then constantly wakes up in order to download email, sync Facebook status, etc,. It's defined by deep sleep frequency and woke up duration In advanced mode (PRO), you can customize more parameters, including day/night settings, active period, screen timeout, sync strategy, ignored apps, etc, Features☆ 5 pre-defined profiles: Gentle, Balance, Strong, Aggressive, Slumberer. They varies on frequency, duration and other settings. The former is less disruptive, but save less battery and vise versa☆ Custom profile (PRO) - for advanced users. If you need more customization, select this profile and modify it☆ Custom profile settings- Separate between weekday vs weekend settings- Frequency: device is turned on deep sleep mode at a selected frequency- Duration: device is woke up after for a selected duration after a each frequency cycle- Wileless network: control radio setting during deep sleep on- Sync: Control sync strategy and sync account, auto-sync- Apps: Select apps that will be stopped during deep sleep on- CPU: Process twist - root only- Night period: During this period, device is always in deep sleep mode☆ General settings- Screen off delay: a short delay before deep sleep start. This option is used to avoid quick screen toggles- Whitelist: Apps are always ignored when deep sleep on, such as online music player- Ingored recent apps: ignore recent apps- Use APN settings: twist 3G/4G/mobile data toggler- Check background data: If selected, it will ignore deep sleep mode if traffic is above a defined threshold- Traffic threshold traffic sampling frequency Notice☆ During deep sleep mode on, this app may disrupt your normal activities, such as your email notification comes with larger delay☆ If your setting (ex. Wifi) is off, deep sleep Battery Saver does not control it during deep sleep mode on Languages☆ English☆ Franais☆ Tiếng Việt Supports☆ Home: http://www.rootuninstaller.com☆ XDA thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2030696☆ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RootUninstaller 更多