TOEIC Vocabulary Quiz (meanings by word) app is the easy way to prepare the TOEIC Test. _ Has online dictionary, you can choose dictionary and touch any word to find meaning. _ Has comment section for each question. You can also view and comment._ Has Google Leaderboard, you can up your score and compare with everyone. _ Include 3420 words_ Easy to use and learn, have four Modes: +) Examination Mode: from the total of the questions take out 10, 20 or 25(user selection) questions to test. After testing is complete, the screen displays the right and wrong results for all questions, and displays the user's choice and the answers to each question.+) Practice Mode: All questions are displayed in numerical order; the user can choose any question to test. The question that has been tested will be noted.+) Collection Mode: collection of favourite questions.+) Challenge Mode: the questions are randomly displayed and you only have one right to choose. Number of correct answers is the number of score you get. You can up your score into the Google Leaderboard and compare scores with your friends. TOEIC词汇测验(按字义)应用程序是最简单的方式来准备托业考试。 _拥有在线词典,你可以选择词典和触摸任何词来寻找意义。_对每个问题的评论部分。您还可以查看和评论。_拥有谷歌排行榜,你可以你的分数,并与大家进行比较。_包含3420字_易于使用和学习,有四种模式: +)考试方式:从问题的总拿出10,20或25(用户选择)的问题进行测试。测试完成后,屏幕上显示的所有问题的正确和错误的结果,并显示用户的选择和回答每个问题。+)练习模式:所有问题都显示在数字顺序;用户可以选择任何问题进行测试。已经过测试的问题会注意到。+)采集模式:集合最喜欢的问题。+)挑战模式:问题是随机显示的,你只需要选择一个合适的。正确答案的编号是你得到的分数的数量。你可以你的分数到谷歌排行榜,并与您的朋友比较分数。 更多