Mountain trip logger Smart2 is an application for use from SmartWatch2(SW2), SmartWatch(MN2), Tasker the "Mountain trip logger GOLD" GPS logger app. - The use is required Mountain trip logger GOLD version 4.1 - The free version of Mountain trip logger, not supported.■ What you can do - From the SmartWatch, the start of the measurement of the log, you can stop - You can display overlaid in SmartWatch, the trajectory and the current track log that had been pre-registered - Start and stop logging of Mountain trip logger from Tasker/Locale and Llama. - At SmartWatch, corresponds to the arrival alarm of Mountain trip logger GOLD. I ring the vibe and you can stop alarm at SmartWatch.(Require Mountain trip logger Smart2A)■ Watch feature can be used in SmartWatch[An operation screen] - In the long press, you can (STOP) (START), start and end of the log measurements. - In the slide up, down, left and right, the screen switches to the other screen.[Track Screen] - Green line: The track log that更多