Sri Lanka's premier breaking news website updated 24/7 on your Android Mobile. Staying informed has never been this quick, easy or enjoyable. Enjoy our new breaking news alerts service that has been done for the first time in Sri Lanka on any mobile news app.You have the ability to enable/disable this facility whenever you please and it’s a free service offered by us.Read stories from Daily Mirror's Top breaking news, Sports News, Entertainment News, Business News, Opinion Articles, World News and News for Tech and Travel sections as well.Enlarge images, check out the photo gallery watch related videos, and share stories via email, Twitter or Facebook. Experience our world-class multimedia with video and slide shows located within articles and in the Video and Gallery sections. You can also comment on the articles through the app which will be published on the app and the website.If you have any problems or have comments or suggestions for improving our app, please contact us at ,, or call +94115479437 , or find us at @DMRBREAKINGNEWS on Twitter or to like us on facebook and we will do our best to assist you. Your feedback is important to us. 斯里兰卡最大的突发新闻网站24/7更新你的Android手机上。住告知从未有过的快速,轻松愉快。 享受我们的新的最新消息提醒服务,已经做了首次在斯里兰卡上任何移动新闻应用程序。你有能力来启用/禁用此设施时,请你和我们所提供的,它是一个免费的服务。每日镜报“的最新消息,体育新闻,娱乐新闻,商业新闻,评论文章,国际新闻和新闻的高科技和旅游部以及阅读故事。放大图像,检查出的照片画廊观看相关视频,并通过电子邮件,Twitter或Facebook分享故事。体验我们的世界一流的多媒体视频和幻灯片坐落在文章和视频和画廊部分。 您也可以通过应用程序将应用程序和网站上公布的文章发表评论。如果您有任何问题或有任何意见或建议改善我们的应用程序,请联系我们,,Pradeep@admin.wnl.lk或致电94115479437,或找到我们@ DMRBREAKINGNEWS对Twitter或www.dailymirror.lk的/ Facebook的喜欢我们在facebook上,我们将竭尽所能为您提供帮助。您的反馈对我们非常重要。 更多