A complete guide to Thailand that works offline. Features:- Thailand In Depth: the background info that you need to have before you go.- A country map highlighting all the cities and national parks.- Complete city guides for the most important destinations, with sights, restaurants, things to do and a city map.- Mini guides for less important destinations.- Phrasebooks for Malay Thai About Triposo: We make great, interactive travel guides. To make our guides we use the content that is freely available. Open content sites like Wikitravel, Wikipedia, World66 and Openstreetmap are among the best resources for any traveler. Our mission is to make that content relevant for you. So we mix and mash and annotate - and we distill great, relevant travel guides out of it. We like open content. In fact some of us were involved in World66, one of the first open content travel guides on the web. Triposo's travel guides are very much a re-mix of open content out there. Currently we're using content from: Wikipedia, Wikitravel, World66, Open Streetmaps, DMOZ and Chefmoz We're big fans of these projects. If you stumble across some inaccurate information in this guide, we would appreciate 一个完整的指南泰国脱机工作。 特点:- 泰国深度:在你走之前,你需要有背景信息。强调所有的城市和国家公园 - 国家地图。最重要的目的地 - 完整的城市指南,景点,餐厅,要做的事情和城市地图。- 迷你导游为不太重要目的地。- 马来和泰国的短语集 关于Triposo: 我们做出伟大的,互动的旅游指南。为了使我们的导游,我们使用的内容是免费提供的。开放内容网站,如维客,维基百科,World66和OpenStreetMap的是最好的资源,任何旅客。我们的使命是使这些内容有关。所以我们混合捣烂和注释 - 我们提炼它很大,相关的旅游指南。 我们喜欢公开的内容。事实上,我们中的一些涉及World66,第一次公开的内容在网络上的旅游指南之一。 Triposo的旅游指南是非常公开的内容有一个重新组合。 目前,我们正在使用的内容:维基百科,维客,World66,打开Streetmaps,DMOZ和标准时间 我们这些项目的大风扇。如果你偶然遇到了一些不准确的信息,在本指南中,我们将不胜感激 更多